Income through dividends

Real estate allows investors to accrue a unique mix of both long-term appreciation and income potential.

The figures here represent the income portion of client returns through Bella Bee and do not include appreciation over time.

Recent letters to investors

Private Credit Investment Strategy - The Great Deleveraging

The aftereffects of a 15-year expansionary monetary policy, combined with the recent dramatic rise in interest rates, have led to a once-in-a-decade investment opportunity in private credit.


Why software is eating private equity, or how we integrated the value chain to disrupt a trillion dollar industry

Bella Bee’s software-based operating model has allowed it to integrate the private equity value chain, disrupting a decades-old industry through innovation.


Q1 2023 — The final stages of the downturn: A ring of fire

Continued stability across the portfolio positions us to take advantage of opportunities that we expect to arise over the coming months as a result of further distress in financial markets.


2022 year-end letter to investors

The Bella Bee portfolio weathered the headwinds of the past year with fortitude, resulting in our strongest-ever year of outperformance vs. benchmarks, and unlocking a period of potentially unprecedented opportunity.
